Using Collections in Google Docs

Organizing Google Docs for the Classroom

Before you start using Google Docs with your students, you will need to set up your organization in Google Docs. You can use Google Docs within the Chrome platform as a way of importing and sharing assignments you want your students to read within the platform. Think of Google Docs as a filing system for any kind of document (Word, PDF, Text, etc.) you want your students to read that is not already on the web.


  • First, sign-in and open your Google Docs. (if you don’t have a Google account yet go here for directions on setting one up).



  • Now, CREATE A COLLECTION for each class period. This will be where you will put all the documents (readings, assignment, etc.) for that class.
  • Go to the drop-down menu Create New and choose Collection.
  • Name the collection using your name and the class period number this folder will be associated with.



  • Now SHARE THE COLLECTION/folder with each of your students (your students should also have Google/Gmail accounts of their own).
  • Hover the cursor over the collection title, and click the arrow that appears on the right
  • Choose Share... from the pop-out menu
  • Choose Share… again from the second pop-out menu
  • Enter the gmail addresses for each of your students in the text box
  • Uncheck the box that says Notify people via email
  • Click Share & Save


Now, any document or reading you want to distribute to your students, all you have to do is upload the document into Google Docs and drag and drop it into this collection. Anything in this collection will be shared automatically with all the students you shared it with during setup. Also, whenever any student opens or makes a change to that document you will see it.

Once you have your Google Docs organized into class collections, visit our Recommendations page for suggestions on how to effectively use Google Docs in the classroom.