
The ESTRELLAS eLiteracy Kit is made up of four parts: the PLATFORM, the TOOLS, the STRATEGIES, and the WEBSITE. These fours parts, each provide a vital piece to the system as a whole, and together provide users with a complete supported reading / writing / learning experience.

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The Platform

The platform base of this system can either be one of the web browsers, Google Chrome or Firefox or the iPad App Side-by-Side, paired with the use of Google Docs. These platform options allow users to support their reading / learning experience through the use of extensions, built-in features, and setup recommendations. Google Docs allows the user to read almost an electronic text within any of these platforms through the importation of text documents, pdfs, websites, etc. into the your personal Google Doc library. Google Docs also allows users to share  documents or collections and work collaboratively when reading or writing online.

The Website

This website also plays a vital role in the system as the base for information about the kit and how to use it. Information found on the website will inform users on what the kit is, how to set it up, and also provide modules for learning about how to use the kit. The website also serves as a way for users to communicate with the project and support staff to answer any questions and provide ongoing support.


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The Tools

The tools used in the ESTRELLAS eLiteracy Kit provide users with translational, presentational, and notational supports. The tools come from two main sources: browser extensions, and the built-in computer accessibility features. By using the tools, users can support their browsing and electronic reading experience within the kit’s platform. Below are the list of tools, how they are categorized within the NCSeT typology, and the function they serve as part of the system.

The Strategies

Also essential to the Kit are the strategies that teach users how to use the different types of supports, tools and features to support their reading within an electronic environment. There are eight strategies that fall into four pairs.
